Countdown to OGA 2024

Fuelling Women in Energy

Date: 26 September 2024

Time: 9.00am – 12.00pm

Venue: Meeting Room 408, Level 4 Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre

Malaysia Women in Energy (MyWiE), formed on 10 January 2018 – is an advocacy group with the main objective to champion equal opportunity for women in the energy sector.

  • My is an acronym for ‘’Malaysia”, which also represents sense of belonging/ownership, WiE is the Women In Energy;
  • Malaysian Gas Association (MGA) is the appointed Secretariat for MyWiE.


Understand the current landscape and the gap of D&I in Malaysia (Government sector, Established energy companies, OGSE sector)

Explore successful D&I initiatives implemented by leading energy companies

Highlight the need to call for enhanced D&I environment in energy sector

Identify support and collaboration from the established companies to small and medium businesses

Inspire and motivate the overall energy companies to progress

MYWIE 2024 Programme

Thursday (26 September 2024)

Time Agenda
8.00am- 9.00am Registration & Breakfast
9.00am – 9.30am

Welcoming remarks Zahid Osman, MyWiE Chair

Keynote Address YBhg. Datuk Dr. Yatimah Sarjiman (Ministry of Economy)

9.30am – 10.45am

Interactive Breakout Session

MyWiE Purple Book: Evolving D&I for Impact

Measuring the D&I progress of the Malaysian Energy Industry, benchmarking against the MyWiE Purple Book
10.45am - 11.15am  Group Photo & Coffee Break
11.15am - 12.30pm

Panel Session on Diversity & Inclusion in Energy: Where Are We Now?

Assessing the current state of Diversity & Inclusion in Malaysia, the progress and direction towards a realistic and sustainable future energy.
12.45pm Closing Remarks by Marina Taib, MyWiE Advisory Panel
1.00pm Networking Lunch
2.00pm The end of MyWiE event

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